Thursday, January 10, 2008

Small Controversy: Mean Mom Sells Son's Car

A Des Moines woman, Jane Hambleton, has sold her 19-year-old son's car because she found a bottle of liquor in it. This story has gotten more airtime than I would've expected on local radio, as people call in to praise or, more commonly, excoriate the decision.

I don't know anything more about the story than what's in the link above and what little I've heard on the radio and from my wife, so I would need a few questions answered before I would definitively pass judgment, but at this point I'm in agreement with Ms. Hambleton. If I had bought a car for my child and put conditions on his/her use of it, I would sell it if s/he broke the conditions.

The questions I don't have answers for: who actually bought the car -- mom or kid? If it was mom, why are you buying a car for a 19-year-old? Was the liquor bottle/can open? Iowa has an open container law (p. 17) that makes it a crime to possess an open container of an alcoholic beverage in the passenger compartment of any car or truck.

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